


Categories: basic
For some events, Stranded II does automatically perform actions. For instance, if there is an item lying around in the game environment, it will always be picked up when you use it - no matter if this has been determined per script.
Skipevent allows to skip, resp. deactivate, these basic functions of Stranded II for certain events. For that, the command can be put at any position within the event brackets.

supported events
collect - the item will not be picked up when used
combine (only for scripts in combinations.inf) - the combination will not be performed
use - actions determined by the behaviour or the examination of dead units will be blocked
drop - the item cannot be chucked away
getoff - the player does not dismount
attack1 - no attack
attack2 - no special action
build_setup - the game does not switch to positioning mode
build_start - no building site gets erected
separate - when hit, the item does not disjoint and fall down from the object it belongs to
Stranded I, Stranded II & Stranded III are games by Unreal Software 2003-2023 | Contact | Disclaimer