
Basic (10)


Categories: basic
The @ character can be put in front of any normal command of Stranded II. There will be no error reports about the attached command

areal_event "Event", X,Y,Z [, Radius] [,Event-Limit]

Categories: basic
Executes and event at objects within the radius. By default the event-limit is one so the command will stop after executing the event at one object. Set it to 0 to execute the event at ALL objects within the radius or use another number to set the maximum of executions.


Categories: basic
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Führt bei dem Objekt wo das aktuelle Script ausgeführt wird (oder bei dem Objekt das über die Parameter angegeben wird) ein Ereignis aus. Das Ereignis kann einen beliebigen Namen haben und muss kein von Stranded II genutztes Ereignis sein. Dies ermöglicht es Ereignisse als eine Art von Funktionen zu benutzen.
Wenn man doch ein Ereignis von Stranded II benutzt, muss man bedenken, dass spezielle Befehle für dieses Ereignis nicht richtig funktionieren werden (da das Ereignis ja nicht wirklich stattgefunden hat sondern nur per Scriptbefehl ausgelöst wurde!).
Desweiteren muss man bedenken, dass Stranded II Scripts und Ereignisse immer nacheinander ausführt. Das Ereignis wird also nicht sofort verarbeitet, sondern erst, nachdem das aktuelle Script durchgelaufen ist.

Das Event kann auch ÜBERALL ausgeführt werden. Hierfür muss bei Klasse "global" angegeben werden. Die ID wird in dem Fall ausgelassen


Categories: basic
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Verlässt eine mit dem loop-Befehl erstellte Schleife, bevor sie komplett durchgelaufen ist

if (Condition) {Commands} elseif (Condition) {Commands} else {Commands}

Categories: basic
Via "if", you can set up conditions. Only when the condition in the round brackets is matched, the commands in the curly brackets will be executed.
The command is extendable by "else" and "elseif". These take action when the previous condition (of an else or an elsif) was not matched. For else, the commands in its curly brackets are executed immediately, whereas in case of elseif there must first be fulfilled another condition.

Operators for conditions
== - equal
!= - not equal
< / > smaller / greater
<= / >= - smaller or equal / greater or equal

Links between conditions
&& / and - and
|| / or - or
xor - exclusive or (contravelence)

Each part of a condition, consisting of 2 values and an operator or a link, should be put into round brackets to prevent Stranded II from a misinterpretation


Categories: basic
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Führt die Befehle in den geschweiften Klammern in einer Schleife aus. Folgende Schleifenmodi gibt es:
count - Eine einfache Zählschleife von 1 bis Anzahl
objects - Alle Objects durchgehen. Wird ein Typ angegeben, so werden nur Objects dieses Typs durchgegangen
units - Alle Units durchgehen. Wird ein Typ angegeben, so werden nur Units dieses Typs durchgegangen
items - Alle Items durchgehen. Wird ein Typ angegeben, so werden nur Items dieses Typs durchgegangen
infos - Alle Infos durchgehen. Wird ein Typ angegeben, so werden nur Infos dieses Typs durchgegangen

Über den Befehl loop_id wird der Zählwert der Schleife (bei count) bzw. die ID des Objects, der Unit, des Items oder des Infos zurückgegeben. Natürlich ändert sich dieser Rückgabewert bei jedem Schleifendurchlauf.

Achtung: Es können nicht mehrere Schleifen ineinander verschachtelt werden!


Categories: basic, return
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Über den Befehl loop_id wird der Zählwert der Schleife (bei count) bzw. die ID des Objects, der Unit, des Items oder des Infos zurückgegeben. Natürlich ändert sich dieser Rückgabewert bei jedem Schleifendurchlauf.

Der Befehl macht natürlich nur innerhalb von Schleifen einen Sinn (siehe loop)

on:Event { Commands }

Categories: basic
By the command "on", you define a section of the script that will only be executed on a certain event. The event is attached to the command via colon. Then there follows a pair of swift brackets. The mentioned section of script has to be inserted there.

start - when the map starts (not when a savegame is loaded)
load - when the map starts (no matter if begin or savegame)
presave - before saving a game
postsave - after saving a game
create - when created (only during the game, not when the game is loading)
use - on usage via action key / in case of items: when used in the inventory
hit - on damage dealt by the player
kill - when destroyed/killed
collect - when an item is collected per action key
drop - when chucking an item away
trigger - when the conditions of a trigger-info are matched
changeday - at the point of change to the next day (at 00:00 o'clock)
sleep - when sleeping
dig - when the player uses a spade (behaviour=spade), this event occurs to all objects nearby
fish - when the player uses a fishing rod (behaviour=fishingrod), this event occurs to all objects nearby
useground - when using the ground
usesea - when using the water/sea
impact - when a weapon scores a hit (occurs to the weapon and its ammunition)
timer - when a timer has ended
getoff - when unmounting a riding animal or a vehicle
attack1 - when an item is used as a tool/weapon by left mouseclick
attack2 - when an item is used as a tool/weapon by right mouseclick
ai_attack - when the player is attacked by a unit
ai_idle1 - when idle animation 1 is played (units)
ai_idle2 - when idle animation 2 is played (units)
ai_idle3 - when idle animation 3 is played (units)
nodeXXXX - when a unit that follows a path reaches the info with the ID XXXX (occurs to the unit)
reach - when the unit that follows a path reaches an info on the path (occurs to the info)
selectplace - when clicking the terrain in positioning mode
cracklock_success - when cracking a lock
cracklock_failure - when failing to crack a lock
build_setup - when a building is chosen from the building list
build_start - when setting up a building site
build_finish - when a building is completed
keyhitXX - when a scriptkey is hit (only in the script from game.inf)
keydownXX - when holding down a script key (only in the script from game.inf)
keyreleaseXX - when letting a script key loose again (only in the script from game.inf)
spawn - when spawning at a spawn-control info
addstate - when a state is added
freestate - when a state is removed
seperate - when an attached item is hit
edset - when an object is positioned in the editor
inhand - when an item is drawn
noammo - when shooting without ammunition (weapon items)


Categories: basic
Aborts the execution of the script immediately. The following commands will be ignored.


Categories: basic
For some events, Stranded II does automatically perform actions. For instance, if there is an item lying around in the game environment, it will always be picked up when you use it - no matter if this has been determined per script.
Skipevent allows to skip, resp. deactivate, these basic functions of Stranded II for certain events. For that, the command can be put at any position within the event brackets.

supported events
collect - the item will not be picked up when used
combine (only for scripts in combinations.inf) - the combination will not be performed
use - actions determined by the behaviour or the examination of dead units will be blocked
drop - the item cannot be chucked away
getoff - the player does not dismount
attack1 - no attack
attack2 - no special action
build_setup - the game does not switch to positioning mode
build_start - no building site gets erected
separate - when hit, the item does not disjoint and fall down from the object it belongs to

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