
States (10)

addstate "Class", ID, "State"

Categories: states
Adds a state to a certain object
See the list of states


Categories: states
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Teilt allen Objekten in einem bestimmten Radius (Standard 50), um einen über X,Y und Z festgelegten Punkt, einen State zu.

count_state "State"

Categories: states, return
Returns the number of a type of state that are assorted to any objects on the whole map

freestate "Class", ID, "State"

Categories: states, free
Deletes a certain state at a certain object. If the parameter state is left out, all states will be deleted at the particular object

getstatevalue "Class", ID, "State" [,Value]

Categories: states, return
Returns a value of a certain state. By default (Value=0) you get the normal value but you can also get other values:
0 - Value (Standard)
1 - Size/Range
2 - Red-Value
3 - Green-Value
4 - Blue-Value

gotstate "Class", ID, "State"

Categories: states, return
Returns 1 or 0 depending on wether the object does have the named state or not


Categories: states, return
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Gibt beim addstate Event oder beim freestate Event den Typ des States zurück, der gerade hinzugefügt bzw. entfernt wurde

statecolor "Class", ID, "State", R, G, B

Categories: states
Changes the color of a certain state at a certain object. Only works with light-, flare- and particle-states

statesize "Class", ID, "State", Size

Categories: states
Changes the size/range of a certain state at a certain object. Only works with light- and flare-states

statevalue "Class", ID, "State", Value

Categories: states
Changes the value of a certain state at a certain object. In most cases it is the damage this state causes.

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